Under certain circumstances it is better to receive the weather data as raw data than using the existing graphs. The raw data can be used to present the data in the preferred layout or adapt it to your own application.
The data can be accessed for any geographical position at a variable period within ten days.
The JSON-data can be retrieved by using the following URL scheme:
All parameters have standard values which are set automatically if not set to other values. The order of the parameters doesn't matter.
An example:
Parameter "lat" and "lon"
Standard values: "lat" = 0, "lon" = 0
Accepted values: "lat" -90 to 90, "lon" -180 to 360
The parameter "lat" (Latitude) and "lon" (Longitude) specify the position of the weather forecast in decimal degrees.
The requested values are rounded to hundredth degrees and the calculated values are interpolated from the surrounding values of the forecast grid (e.g. 0.5 degree).
An example for Abu Dhabi, UAE: lat=24.48411&lon=54.36870
Parameter "unit"
Standard values: "unit" = metric
Accepted values: metric, english
This parameter specifies if the units of the displayed values are printed in the metric system or the United States customary units.
An example for Seattle, USA:
Parameter "unit_wind"
Standard value: "unit_wind" = Bft
Accepted values: Bft, m/s, km/h, kn, mph
This parameter specifies if the units of the displayed values for wind speed and gust speed are printed in the unit of Bft (Beaufort), m/s (metre per second), km/h (kilometres per hour), kn (knot) or mph (miles per hour).
An example for Jakarta, Indonesien:
Parameter "t"
Standard value: "t" = 1
Accepted value: "t" 1 to 81
The parameter "t" (time) specify the start time of the requested forecast in timesteps. More details about the timesteps here: Weather tiles - timesteps.
An example for Santiago, Chile, parameter t=9 specify,that the data should start from timestep 9, means the second day of the dataset:
Parameter "duration"
Standard value: "duration" = 65
Accepted values: "duration" 1 to 81
The parameter "duration" spacify the number of the requested timesteps. More details about the timesteps here: Weather tiles - timesteps.
As the sum of the parameters "t" and "duration" a maximum of 82 is permitted. If the sum is bigger, the value of "duration" is redueced to a permitted value automaticly. If e.g. "t" = 81 (last timestep of the dataset) it is senseless to set "duration" to a bigger value than 1, because there is no more timesteps are existing.
An example for Athens, Greece, parameter "duration" = 16 specifies a requested duration of the forecast of two days:
Explanation of the data:
Zu allen Variablen wird die Einheit (Unit) angegeben.
Variables with the unit "-":
These variables can olny have the values 0 or 1. 0 means "not true", 1 means "true". An example with the variable "snow": 1 would mean thet the "total_precipitation" respectively "convective_precipitation" comes as snow.
The value "null"
For some variables no value is existing for the first timestep. To identify these values as non existing they are set to "null".
Explanation of the variables:
The wind speed of the specified timestep (3h) in Bft (Beaufort), m/s (metre per second), km/h (kilometres per hour), kn (knot) or mph (miles per hour) depending on parameter "unit_wind".
The direction of the wind of the specified timestep (3h) in degrees.
The gust speed of the specified timestep (3h) in Bft (Beaufort), m/s (metre per second), km/h (kilometres per hour), kn (knot) or mph (miles per hour) depending on parameter "unit_wind".
The air temperature in a height of 2m of the specified timestep (3h) in °C (degree Celsius) or °F (degree Fahrenheit).
In contrast to the commonly known windchill the openportguide apparent temperature does not only take the air temperature and the wind speed into account, but also the air humidity and the direct and indirect sun radiation. The calculation is based on the work "Norms of Apparent Temperature in Australia" by Robert G. Steadman. Beyond the cooling effect of the wind it considers that the felt temperature is higher in the humide tropics than in the dry desert. It also considers that the felt temperature is higher in direct sun radiation than in the shadow below clouds. These apparent temperature in a height of 2m of the specified timestep (3h) in °C (degree Celsius) or °F (degree Fahrenheit).
The mean sea level pressure (MSLP) Luftdruck of the specified timestep (3h). If "unit = metric" the values are printed in hPa (hecto pascal) if "unit = english" the values are printed in kPa (kilo pascal).
The relative humidity in a height of 2m of the specified timestep (3h) in %.
The amount of the sky covered by clouds of the specified timestep (3h) in %.
The average power of the sun radiation per square metre in W/mm2 of the specified timestep (3h).
The total precipitation of the specified timestep (3h). If "unit = metric" the values are printed in mm if "unit = english" the values are printed in inch.
The convective precipitation of the specified timestep (3h). If "unit = metric" the values are printed in mm if "unit = english" the values are printed in inch.
Indication if the "total precipitation"and "convective precipitation" of the specified timestep (3h) will be ice pellets (1) or not (0).
Indication if the "total precipitation"and "convective precipitation" of the specified timestep (3h) will be snow (1) or not (0).
Indication if the "total precipitation"and "convective precipitation" of the specified timestep (3h) will be freezing rain (1) or not (0).